The host was Jamil Mahmood, Executive Director, Spence Neighbourhood Association.
The candidates were:
Cheryl-Anne E CarrCommunist Party of Canada - Manitoba
Harold DyckGreen Party of Manitoba
Belinda Squance
The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba
Andrew SwanNew Democratic Party of Manitoba
Don Woodstock, Manitoba Liberal Party
The three panelists were
1. Jessie Gair from Spence Neighbourhood Association2. Shannon Buck from Red Road to Healing Coordinator and Traditional Teachings Coordinator at the West Central Women's Resource Centre.
3. Joan Hay from Ma Mawi
This was my first time doing anything like this, and I had a great time! It was really quite fun.
The three panalists asked very well thought out questions and the candidates gave their answers. Then the floor was opened to the public, and the candidates had to do their best thinking on the fly as these were not rehearsed answers as were the three previous questions.
I am not going to comment as to who won or who gave the best answers, but I will say that not all of the candidates stuck to answering the very direct questions. I did however try to direct them to focusing on the question at hand rather than wondering off in other directions.