Monday, November 24, 2008

Floyd speaks at Lockport School with The Adapt Campaign.

Today I spoke to 450 kids (ages 10 - 14) at Lockport School. I was invited to speak by the Adapt Campaign. Today was the premier showing of their new music video called Crystal. It is a powerful video produced with Fresh IE. The video was shown after a rousing introduction by a radio personality from HOT103. The Fresh IE was introduced and the kids were in a really fun atmosphere. It was great.

After the video, I was introduced and during my entire time in front of them, you could have heard a pin drop. 450 kids listening intently to the details of TJ's story. They were full of questions, incredible questions, and once again, I know that TJ was there saving kids.

In fact, as soon as I got home, once again, I received emails thanking me for my talk. Remember, when we get these emails, kids go to our website, and seek us out to give us their words. I think that's amazing.

CTV was there and I was interviewed for the news.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Floyd & Karen speak at Teulon High School

Several months ago, a concerned person, working in the Teulon High School sent me an email asking us to speak at the school during "Drug Awareness" week. There are 250 students in this school, and we were in front of the students for 90 minutes. Karen spoke about who TJ was and made several pointed facts about drugs, Floyd told the story and the details behind the murder. The 250 kids were amazing in how attentive they were.

After our talk, several students gathered around us and told us how concerned they were about drugs, and some reported their own families struggles with Crystal Meth. Several of the students were in tears. We certainly made a memorable impression on these kids. When we got home, I received several emails from students thanking us for our story, and the promise to help others.

While this certainly takes a mental toll on us, we sure feel that TJ is in the room with us. It's amazing.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Floyd speaks at Lavallee School

For the third year in a row, Floyd was invited to speak to a group of students. This all started as an extension of a workshop put on by RaY, or Resource Assistance for Youth, which I work together with.

This year, I was on my own. I spoke to a small group of about 15 kids. This is a much more intimate group as it is so small, so the dynamics are quite amazing. After I was done, I had a most incredible conversation with one of the students. I can't go into detail as to what he told me, but let me say, his story to me and my effect on him, were truly inspiring. 

Then when I got home I had an email from another student. I can't believe what he had done after class. He got in front of his computer, and produced a TV show on my presentation and published it on YouTube. I was truly impressed and truly thankful for him trying to further our reach into the world. To see his show, simply CLICK ME...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gutter Aid - Street youth problem epidemic, panel told

Street youth problem epidemic, panel told
By: Shane Minkin
Updated: October 15 at 11:39 PM CDT

On any given night in Winnipeg, there are up to 3,000 youths living on the streets.

That was just one of the shocking statistics cited at a panel discussion at the Gas Station Theatre to kick off the three-day Gutter Aid program, which aims to raise awareness of young people living on the streets of Winnipeg.

The topic for Wednesday's discussion was Gangs, Violence, Crime and the System and featured Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill, defence lawyer Saul Simmonds, crime victim Floyd Wiebe and youth mentor Jason Romanyshyn, who lived on the streets as a teen.

Wiebe told a harrowing tale of searching the streets for weeks for his son TJ, who was later found murdered in January 2003.

Romanyshyn spoke eloquently of his distrust for the police during his years on the streets.

Expressing surprise, McCaskill admitted there were probably a few bad apples among his 1,328 officers.

And Simmonds called for a moratorium on arresting and prosecuting youth for petty drug crimes such as marijuana possession, which he said does nothing but ruin young lives and clog the courts. "We need to go after the head of the snake," Simmonds said, referring to the big-time cocaine and meth dealers.

Gutter Aid continues at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday and Friday at the Gas Station Theatre, with a musical component later in the evening down the street at the Cavern. 

Thursday's panel topic is Mental Health, Addictions and the System, and features comedian Big Daddy Tazz, Chris Sommerville of the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society and John Borody of the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.

Friday's panel examines Abuse, Neglect, Poverty and the System and features sociologist Dr. Elizabeth Comack, David Northcott of Winnipeg Harvest, Sonia Prevost-Derbecker of Child and Family Services and Dave Angus from the Winnpeg Chamber of Commerce.

The panels are free and open to the public.

For more info go to OR

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

CBC TV - 9/23/09 - Father of murder victim applauds Tories' justice proposal

Father of murder victim applauds Tories' justice proposal
Last Updated: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 | 12:03 PM CT Comments17Recommend13
CBC News
A Winnipeg man whose son was murdered welcomes the changes to the federal justice system promised Monday by the campaigning Conservatives.

Under Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's proposal, young people 14 and over found guilty of crimes such as manslaughter, murder or aggravated assault would face tougher sentences, and no longer have their identities protected.

The act currently forbids the release of young offenders' identities, unless the accused are found guilty and handed adult sentences.

Judges would also be allowed, under the Tory proposal, to decide whether a young offender who is convicted again for a less serious crime should be identified.

Floyd Wiebe, whose son T.J. was murdered in Winnipeg 2003, says offenders should be named, whatever their age.

"While my son's five or six court cases were going through, my son's name was dragged through the press as being a drug dealer, etc... So was the young offender that had him murdered, that planned his murder, and yet his name has never been public," he said.

Two men were convicted of second-degree murder in Wiebe's killing; a third was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder. A fourth man, who was a youth at the time of the killing, was acquitted. His name has never been revealed.

"Here he is, walking [free] — in fact, I just met him at Home Depot just a couple of months ago — and the public doesn't know who he is. I find that offensive."

Having been acquitted, the youth's name would still not be revealed under Harper's proposals.

Naming offenders like 'branding them for life'

Kelly Holmes, executive director of Resource Assistance for Youth in Winnipeg argues that naming young offenders even after they are convicted of serious crimes will make it more difficult for them to find their way back to a law-abiding path.

"There's not one youth that I know that doesn't make mistakes. It's a part of their learning and growing," she said.

"Yes, some [mistakes are] serious, but to have them identified is like tattooing them or branding them for life. How do they recoup that, or how do they change? Or how do they grow with that on their back?"

It's more productive to invest in programs for young people, Holmes said.

The Conservatives also vowed to extend the youth gang prevention fund established in early 2007 and increase its budget to $10 million a year. The fund provides communities with money to combat street gangs.

Almost 40,000 youths were accused of serious and violent crimes in 2006. The crimes included nearly 160 murders or attempted murders, 2,100 sexual assaults and 4,500 robberies.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gutter Aid

I am so honoured to be part of Gutter Aid occurring on Oct. 14 through 18th at the Gas Station Theatre. I am the keynote speaker on October 15th, and the subject of my talk is: "Gangs, Violence, Crime and the System". Following my talk, is a panel consisting of Winnipeg's Chief of Police Keith McCaskill and defence lawyer Saul Simmonds.

A couple of years ago, I found out that a man named Andrew Ward was telling TJ's story to high school students throughout Winnipeg. He booked a couple of tickets to the TJs Gift Gala, and soon I was working with Andrew helping students understand the dangers of illegal drugs. Andrew is a counsellor at RaY, Resource Assistance for Youth.

Please visit the Gutter Aid website for more info.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

CBC Interview Recording

If you click on THIS LINK, it will take you to an audio vault that is hosting the CBC Interview with me about my meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper. You can download it or simply press play and listen. Thanks for listening! Floyd Wiebe

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Floyd Wiebe & Karen Wiebe meet Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper today

I am so impressed that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has asked Karen and I to meet with him once again to talk to us about drugs and children and what we can do to prevent them from drugs. Educators, Police, a father, a mother, and others all participated in a round table discussion. The Prime Minister really wanted our thoughts and made copious notes throughout. We viewed the governments new television advertisements that are directed to parents to talk to their kids about drugs, and we welcome them!

Check out the pics I took!

Shelly Glover, the Conservative candidate in St. Boniface, has this on her webpage.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Floyd Wiebe & Karen Wiebe meet Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper again!

This weekend, Floyd Wiebe & Karen Wiebe were called by a representative of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, to ask us to participate in a round-table meeting with parents regarding youth and drugs in Winnipeg. We last met with the Prime Minister on October 5th, 2007 when he announced "The National Anti-Drug Strategy".

We are once again honoured to meet with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and we can only hope that we can make a difference.

From the Free Press:
Harper to join city parents for talk on youth and drugs
Updated: August 5 at 12:50 PM CDT

PRIME Minister Stephen Harper will participate in a round-table meeting with parents regarding youth and drugs in Winnipeg on Wednesday. Harper will be joined by Vic Toews, president of the treasury board, in the Common Room at the Winakwa Community Club at 9:30 a.m.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Shocked - Murderer back in Winnipeg...

Last night, I almost had my third heart attack. The person that was the mastermind (CLICK ME) behind TJ Wiebe's murder is back in Winnipeg! I was shopping at Home Depot in St. Vital, and was pushing my cart of 2 X 4's merrily down the aisle. I see his mother first, and then right beside her was the murderer. I had no idea what to do, in fact it was the first time in my life that I actually felt that I would faint. My stomach turned, I almost threw up. I questioned myself, what do I do, how do I react, should I allow him to see me, should I leave my cart and leave the store, etc etc etc.

I peered around the corner several times, trying to assess what I should do, and suddenly they disappeared in an instant. I am pretty sure they saw me as, well, I am hard to miss. I paid for my wood, and sat in my truck, waiting for them to leave. WHY did I do that? I have no idea. I had no idea what I would do if I saw them leave. I called my kids and Karen, and my daughter came flying down to support me in my what to do mode. We left without seeing them. I guess the sight of me scared them out of the store, although I am only guessing.

I had heard that he left for the United States immediately after he was acquitted from his 1st Degree Murder and Conspiracy to Commit Murder. He was acquitted, because Justice Joan McKelvey tossed out all the co-conspirator's video-taped confessions of their own involvement and his involvement, and as a result, she stated, ...Although I conclude that "murderer" was involved in the planning and the murder of TJ Wiebe, I cannot convict him as there is no evidence left to support it... DUH! Interestingly enough these very tapes were enough to convict three others of murder or conspiracy or both, yet in her eyes they were not enough to convince her that the ONLY person that knew TJ, was in fact guilty. Three other judges refused to allow the murderer out on bail because of the mountain of evidence, and that he was a danger to society. But the trial judge, released him. At least he spent 32 months in the Youth Centre.

I was talking to a friend (who's son was also murdered) about this and she said something very interesting to me, something that I had never really thought of. She said that with most homicides, once the trial is done, there is no more reporting on the murder. Especially if the murderer is acquitted. With the TJ's Gift Gala and The TJs Gift Foundation, with all the radio ads, the newspaper ads, newspaper articles, the website, this murderer is constantly reminded what he did and what he got away with. That being said, if he is a sociopath, which I believe he is, it would have no impact whatsoever.

Anyway, I hope I don't have a repeat of this...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Floyd is speaking at a school today.

Once again, I am speaking at a school over the lunch period to a group of kids at a school in the Louis Riel School Divison. Andrew Wade from Resource Assistance for Youth - R.a.Y. has been having a Teens and the Drug Trade Workshop with many students in Winnipeg schools, and he has invited me to be an additional part to this workshop. It is tough to go into detail about what happened to TJ, but this kids need to understand that although Andrew may be teaching them through this incredible workshop, the TJ Wiebe story certainly adds a dimension of realty to it.

I remember last year when I spoke, the kids were riveted to their seats, and in fact I keep in touch with some of them to this day.

Floyd Wiebe

Friday, May 16, 2008

A successful evening...

Well, Tuesday night was a fabulous success. We raised $50,000 and counting... for all the schools in Winnipeg to continue peer education programs in drug awareness. 474 people got together and really enjoyed the incredible meal that Canad Inns Polo Park served us. People have commented that the meal alone was worth the $85.00 ticket price.

1. The "TJ's Gift" Baseball Hat auction brought in a profit of $1,600 and we still have 45 hats to sell.
2. The Live Auction brought in over $8,000
3. The Card Auction brought in about $1,600
4. The Silent Auction brought in over $3,000
5. The WestJet Raffle brought in over $4,000
6. Donations from people that could not attend was over $4,000

All of this was simple amazing.

Rob Willman's speech brought the entire crowd to a standing ovation. You can hear his speech on the Media Pages on the website under the CBC link with Margeaux Watt. Rob was a complete stranger to us until what happened to him brought us together. Many people, especially MLA's approached him afterwards to ask him to speak to schools in their areas. WOW.

Simply an amazing evening...