Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Floyd Wiebe & Karen Wiebe meet Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper today

I am so impressed that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has asked Karen and I to meet with him once again to talk to us about drugs and children and what we can do to prevent them from drugs. Educators, Police, a father, a mother, and others all participated in a round table discussion. The Prime Minister really wanted our thoughts and made copious notes throughout. We viewed the governments new television advertisements that are directed to parents to talk to their kids about drugs, and we welcome them!

Check out the pics I took!

Shelly Glover, the Conservative candidate in St. Boniface, has this on her webpage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, but the uniformed constable pictured and myself did our basic training together 10 years ago... how about that.