Friday, May 16, 2008

A successful evening...

Well, Tuesday night was a fabulous success. We raised $50,000 and counting... for all the schools in Winnipeg to continue peer education programs in drug awareness. 474 people got together and really enjoyed the incredible meal that Canad Inns Polo Park served us. People have commented that the meal alone was worth the $85.00 ticket price.

1. The "TJ's Gift" Baseball Hat auction brought in a profit of $1,600 and we still have 45 hats to sell.
2. The Live Auction brought in over $8,000
3. The Card Auction brought in about $1,600
4. The Silent Auction brought in over $3,000
5. The WestJet Raffle brought in over $4,000
6. Donations from people that could not attend was over $4,000

All of this was simple amazing.

Rob Willman's speech brought the entire crowd to a standing ovation. You can hear his speech on the Media Pages on the website under the CBC link with Margeaux Watt. Rob was a complete stranger to us until what happened to him brought us together. Many people, especially MLA's approached him afterwards to ask him to speak to schools in their areas. WOW.

Simply an amazing evening...

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