Today I spoke to 450 kids (ages 10 - 14) at Lockport School. I was invited to speak by the Adapt Campaign. Today was the premier showing of their new music video called Crystal. It is a powerful video produced with Fresh IE. The video was shown after a rousing introduction by a radio personality from HOT103. The Fresh IE was introduced and the kids were in a really fun atmosphere. It was great.
After the video, I was introduced and during my entire time in front of them, you could have heard a pin drop. 450 kids listening intently to the details of TJ's story. They were full of questions, incredible questions, and once again, I know that TJ was there saving kids.
In fact, as soon as I got home, once again, I received emails thanking me for my talk. Remember, when we get these emails, kids go to our website, and seek us out to give us their words. I think that's amazing.
CTV was there and I was interviewed for the news.