Monday, November 24, 2008

Floyd speaks at Lockport School with The Adapt Campaign.

Today I spoke to 450 kids (ages 10 - 14) at Lockport School. I was invited to speak by the Adapt Campaign. Today was the premier showing of their new music video called Crystal. It is a powerful video produced with Fresh IE. The video was shown after a rousing introduction by a radio personality from HOT103. The Fresh IE was introduced and the kids were in a really fun atmosphere. It was great.

After the video, I was introduced and during my entire time in front of them, you could have heard a pin drop. 450 kids listening intently to the details of TJ's story. They were full of questions, incredible questions, and once again, I know that TJ was there saving kids.

In fact, as soon as I got home, once again, I received emails thanking me for my talk. Remember, when we get these emails, kids go to our website, and seek us out to give us their words. I think that's amazing.

CTV was there and I was interviewed for the news.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Floyd & Karen speak at Teulon High School

Several months ago, a concerned person, working in the Teulon High School sent me an email asking us to speak at the school during "Drug Awareness" week. There are 250 students in this school, and we were in front of the students for 90 minutes. Karen spoke about who TJ was and made several pointed facts about drugs, Floyd told the story and the details behind the murder. The 250 kids were amazing in how attentive they were.

After our talk, several students gathered around us and told us how concerned they were about drugs, and some reported their own families struggles with Crystal Meth. Several of the students were in tears. We certainly made a memorable impression on these kids. When we got home, I received several emails from students thanking us for our story, and the promise to help others.

While this certainly takes a mental toll on us, we sure feel that TJ is in the room with us. It's amazing.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Floyd speaks at Lavallee School

For the third year in a row, Floyd was invited to speak to a group of students. This all started as an extension of a workshop put on by RaY, or Resource Assistance for Youth, which I work together with.

This year, I was on my own. I spoke to a small group of about 15 kids. This is a much more intimate group as it is so small, so the dynamics are quite amazing. After I was done, I had a most incredible conversation with one of the students. I can't go into detail as to what he told me, but let me say, his story to me and my effect on him, were truly inspiring. 

Then when I got home I had an email from another student. I can't believe what he had done after class. He got in front of his computer, and produced a TV show on my presentation and published it on YouTube. I was truly impressed and truly thankful for him trying to further our reach into the world. To see his show, simply CLICK ME...